Virtual Telemedicine/Primary Care at your fingertips

For your convenience, we also offer in-person or video(remote) consultations at discounted price to make it more accessible to everyone. Whether you choose to receive care in the comfort of your own home using technology, or you choose to make an appointment and visit us, you will experience the benefits of seeing a provider on demand to get the help you need.
Here are the conditions we treat/ help you manage as well: Migraine, high blood pressure, diabetes II, hyperlipidemia, skin infections, eczema, poison Ivy, acne, fungal infections Urinary infections, bacterial vaginitis, STDs, eyes/sinus/ear/nose/throat infections COVID screening and recommendations, consults for chronic disease evaluation and medication management and more.
We try our best to accommodate same day appointments, and the appointment usually last 10-15 min, prescriptions can be sent electronically to your pharmacy for you to pick up. You will also receive an invitation to get access to the patient portal where you can register and conveniently have access to your medical records after your appointment.
Telemedicine: Engage in a private and meaningful visit with your Healthcare Practitioner from the comfort of your home

Keeping your safety in mind during this time is our top priority. we are happy to offer the convenience of telehealth visits to our valued clients.

Call us at 301-966-2558 to schedule your appointment either virtually or in person.